Sunday School
We hold several Sunday School classes that are open for newcomers at any time. They meet weekly on Sunday at 9:45 a.m. before the worship service. The classes are a no-pressure way to learn more about the Bible and meet people in your life stage.
We offer classes that are open year-round including ones for:
- Children
- Youth
- Young Couples
- Men
- Women
- Median Adults
- Older Adults

Children's Ministry
Our Children’s ministry is for children age 4 – 6th grade. We partner with the Word of Life Children’s Ministry Program to offer biblical lessons each week to help lay a solid foundation of biblical principles at a young age. The program consists of lessons, scripture memory, quiet time and games all provided to teach children the importance of a relationship with Jesus. The Children’s Ministry meets weekly on Wednesdays from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
Kidzone is our children’s church ministry for kids K – 5th grade. This exciting, hands-on service takes place during the sermon part of the worship service. As part of our service, we sing worship songs, have an interactive Bible lesson, watch a life application video, play games, make crafts and much more. Our children’s church is an extension of the lesson learned in Sunday School.

Youth Ministry
Our Youth ministry, THE WELL, strives to help students navigate their way through the teen years with confidence and courage. We work hard to make sure that anyone who wants to be a part of this student ministry feels welcome, important, loved, and safe…a safe place to share and just be you. With a variety of Bible studies, service opportunities, and lots of fun things, we work together to face challenges, overcome fears, and learn how to live life the way Jesus taught us. We all make mistakes and that is where grace and forgiveness come in. Everyone can be forgiven. We would love for you to be a part of what God is doing here. We think you’ll find that God is already doing some things with you as well. “The Well” Youth Group consists of 7th – 12th grades and meets Wednesdays from 6:00PM – 7:30 PM. For more info, email

Senior Adults
“Active” is probably the best way to describe Cool Springs’ Senior Adult ministry. With activities regularly scheduled, our seniors have plenty of opportunities to continue to draw near to Jesus Christ.

Women's Ministry
The Women’s Ministry at Cool Springs Baptist Church exists to help women face life’s challenges by encouraging a vital, growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our Vision is 4-Fold:
- To teach women to know God through His Word.
- To equip women to reach beyond the walls of the church and into their communities so that others might come to know Christ.
- To bring women into the fellowship of the church so that they might grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- To minister to women by helping them find solutions and healing through God’s Word.
Mission Statement
The Women’s Ministry at Cool Springs Baptist Church provides opportunities for women to fulfill their calling to share in the Great Commission Christ gave to His church. Through service to others, support from other Christian women and important social contact, our women’s ministry enables women to establish and strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ, develop in Godly maturity, develop and strengthen leadership skills, and share the message of Jesus Christ with the world.
- We value the commission of the church and women’s responsibilities to fulfill that commission.
- We value our relationship with Jesus Christ and our responsibility to nurture our relationship with God and with others.
- We value the spiritual gifts God has given women and our responsibility to provide opportunities for meaningful service.
- We value the spiritual gifts God has given men and recognize the importance of complementing those gifts in Christian service.
- We value our children and youths and our responsibility to nurture their relationships with God and Jesus Christ.
- We value the unique needs of women and our responsibility to help meet those needs.
- To identify, utilize and nurture the spiritual gifts God has given to women.
- To provide a positive climate for women to experience growth in service to Jesus Christ and his Body.
- To equip and empower women for effective ministry to others.
- To be Christ-like examples to our children in order to help and inspire them to use their gifts for God.
- To address the concerns of women in a multicultural, multiethnic context.
- To bring women’s perspectives to the issues in the church that affect women.
- To provide avenues of meaningful Christian service for women according to their gifts.

Men's Ministry
Our Men’s Ministry, better known as “Brotherhood”, is a group of males in the church who meet once a month for breakfast, fellowship, and devotion time. The group meets on the third Sunday of each month at 7:30 a.m. In addition to the monthly fellowship, the Brotherhood takes on various projects in and around the Tate Community to help people in need, such as: helping an elderly lady move her furniture so she could have carpet installed, joining with another church to put a roof on part of a house, and providing funds for power bills, food, loss of work, and unexpected expenses. Really, our Brotherhood helps people in any way possible when there is a need. No fee is charged to attend meetings or to be a part of the group, but attendees contribute voluntarily to the Brotherhood Fund as they feel led.
There is no age limit in our Brotherhood. Males from one year old to age 93 have attended meetings. We encourage all males at Cool Springs to participate and even welcome males that attend other churches to be a part of the group. The Brotherhood enjoys time spent together and enjoys the inspiration and encouragement that they can give in serving the Lord.